Raahe and hydrogen

Green hydrogen is a completely zero-emission fuel of the future that can also be used as an energy storage and raw material. Hydrogen will significantly change industrial processes and enable the use of zero-emission fuels in land and maritime transport.

The city's role as a supporter and enabler

Energy transition and low-carbon targets will inevitably affect industry. The town is also committed to significant emission reductions as part of the Network of the Carbon Neutral Municipalities. In addition to environmental benefits, the change has enormous potential for new business, which is why the City of Raahe has made an active contribution to investigating how hydrogen business could be promoted in the region. Surveys have shown that, in terms of location, conditions and demand, Raahe has good prerequisites for hydrogen production and storage.


  • Harri Tuomikoski tel. +358 40 135 6811, harri.tuomikoski [at] raahe.fi
  • Pasi Pitkänen tel. +358 40 135 6750, pasi.pitkanen [at] raahe.fi

Clean energy from Raahe and its neighbouring areas

Green hydrogen production requires a great deal of electricity produced from renewable energy sources. At present, Raahe region has 14 % of Finland's wind power capacity. Huge energy investments are both under construction and planned in neighbouring areas, of which for example the OX2 wind farm off Raahe and Oulu would cover about 18 percent of Finland's total electricity production (2020).

The Bothnian Arch to become the largest hydrogen valley in Europe?

In addition to the surveys, the City of Raahe has been involved launching two major hydrogen projects, both managed by the Raahe Region Development. One of the key goals of Finland's sustainable growth program is to make Finland a world leader in the hydrogen and circular economy. Both projects are engaged in close cooperation at local, national and international level.

The National Hydrogen Network project (Kansallinen vetyverkosto) will bring together companies, research institutes, investors and cities and municipalities interested in the hydrogen industry to share information and expertise. The project will also be building up the BotH₂nia brand, which will make hydrogen projects in the Baltic Sea region more visible in Europe. Join the BotH₂nia network on BotH₂nia website.

The R4H2 - REACTions for Hydrogen project will build up a hydrogen ecosystem network in Northern Ostrobothnia and map out business opportunities in more detail related to the different sectors of hydrogen economy. In addition, the need for expertise, research and training in the transition to hydrogen economy will be examined.

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